Silva Balcanica 24(3): 5-16, doi: 10.3897/silvabalcanica.24.e114699
Reforestation pipeline: case for quality management of NIR-region grading of Scots pine seeds and FLR-algorithm for information processing
expand article infoTatyana P. Novikova, Evgeniy P. Petrishchev, Arthur I. Novikov
‡ oronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, Voronezh, Russia
Open Access
When controlling the process of improving the quality of seeds by separating on a spectrometric basis, the primary information about the state of Scots pine seeds is carried by the wavelengths of optical fluxes and their amplitudes. The algorithm for analyzing the required characteristics of small forest seeds in the infrared range is a corresponding sequence of logical terms that provide the ability to determine the specified seed parameters by a combination of spectral frequencies and light flux amplitudes taken from the corresponding photodetectors. At ΔС = 0.5, the efficiency of the algorithm was 77.6 %, and at ΔС = 0.9, respectively, 99.5 %. In this regard, the choice of ΔС is the result of a compromise between the cost of rejection of high-quality seeds and losses when using unrecognized low-quality seeds and it is made according to the results of relevant experiments.
Forest landscape restoration; Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L.; seed grading, NIR-region; fuzzy logic