1-12 issues matching your criteria:
Silva Balcanica 25(1) (2024)
Papers published: 9
| Total pages: 110
Dendrochronology (1),
Forest tree physiology (1),
Forest genetics and improvement (2),
Ecology and management of game fauna (1),
Forest health - entomology and phytopathology (1),
Biodiversity (3),
Forest soil science (1),
Forest mechanization (1),
Forest management (2),
Natural regeneration of forests (1),
Forest habitats (1),
Forest protection (1),
Forest mensuration and modelling (1),
Forest ecology (2),
Forest ecosystems under climate change (1)
Silva Balcanica 23(2) (2022)
Papers published: 8
| Total pages: 78
Natural regeneration of forests (1),
Forest protection (1),
Forest mechanization (2),
Forest fires (1),
Plantation forestry (1),
Ecology and management of game fauna (1),
Biodiversity (2),
Forest ecology (1),
Forest management (1),
Forest economics (1),
Forest hydrology and soil erosion (1)
Silva Balcanica 21(2) (2020)
Papers published: 8
| Total pages: 100
Forest mensuration and modelling (1),
Forest health - entomology and phytopathology (2),
Forest protection (1),
Biodiversity (2),
Forest management (1),
Forest ecology (2),
Forest habitats (2),
Sylviculture (3),
Plantation forestry (1),
Natural regeneration of forests (1),
Landscape architecture (2),
Urban forestry and green infrastructure (2),
Forest mechanization (1)